A very special “Bonu-sode” where your fearless hosts talk about everything BUT The West Wing including: blood tests, Morul U5 plus bluetooth headphones, internet likes, death dreams, UCB cruises, work stress, prioritizing, 2 hour long meetings, trophy chat and grand-parent collages.

At one point we laugh so hard we accidentally stop recording.

Also the air conditioning is on constantly and Nick does not stop clicking magnets together because he is a sociopath. You’re welcome!

“I’m so sick of Congress I could vomit.”

Covering Episode 4 of Season 1, “Five Votes Down”

Episode 4, shit just got real, y’all.

In this episode we learn about Denise and EA’s signature segments, the late ‘80s Disney classic “Not Quite Human” and some tantalizing semi-spoiler teases for the future. Important question of the episode: Is being a good Chief of Staff more important than being a good husband?

Episode 3, starting to get nervous, “This American Life”?!? In this episode your humble hosts are out of the basement and into the Sit Room. They talk about the occasionally troubling misogyny of The West Wing when analyzing "A Proportional Response", Episode 3 of the first season. Sam Seaborn makes the set dec department's life hell and he's suddenly no longer dumb. The hosts break down Operation Pericles in an arguably humorless way before getting into the most important thing:  Charlie and Danny are here! Important question of the episode: Is Charlie really a good brother?

Three comedians (Nick, Denise & EA) start their podcast off right, in the noisy basement of a bar by the bathrooms, and talk about the show they are obsessed with: The West Wing. In this episode of the podcast, they cover the first episode of the show, aptly named “Pilot”. The characters are introduced and we have our first walk-and-talk, but predictably, all your hosts want to talk about is Mandy and her hair. Question of the episode: Is Sam Seaborn an idiot?