"What Kind of Day Has it Been", the show where three comedian friends brought together by The West Wing talk about everything else.

Ep. 2 - "I don't understand, did you trip over something?"

"I don't understand, did you trip over something?"

Episode 2, your hosts made it! Yay! In this episode they break down the second episode of The West Wing, “Post Hoc, Ergo Propter Hoc” which EA is happy to explain for you, just give it some time. They talk about how Sam Seaborn spends the episode trying to explain how someone can accidentally sleep with a prostitute while we continue to wonder if he is a stone cold moron. Denise is on the look out for a man with floppy, whimsical hair and the hosts ask the important question: In the 90s, was anyone hot? Also, they are still in an echo-y basement by toilets. FLUSH.

Ep. 3 - "I could pummel your ass with a baseball bat."

Ep. 1 - "Is this for real, or is this just funny? Apparently neither."