"What Kind of Day Has it Been", the show where three comedian friends brought together by The West Wing talk about everything else.

208 “The farts were in you the whole time.”

208 “The farts were in you the whole time.”


We’re gonna go freeform with this one....

Big news: Apparently Sister Hazel is the Kyra Sedgwick of ‘90s bands! (note: the previous joke is for LTL,BTLs only)

Denise and EA learn that they HATE a saying Nick considers fairly common 🤷.

This becomes a bit of a mean-isode, but fun. We play Nick’s favorite game, You know what you look like?™.

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Also, other stuff, does anyone read these? Just listen.

Intern applications get another layer of requirements in this ep, so please submit your applications through whatkindofday.squarespace.com today!

Follow us!

@whatkindofdayhasitbeen (Instagram)

@WKODHIB (Twitter)

209 “Once we’re in? Squatters' rights.”

209 “Once we’re in? Squatters' rights.”

207 “Guys? The heat is on.”

207 “Guys? The heat is on.”