"What Kind of Day Has it Been", the show where three comedian friends brought together by The West Wing talk about everything else.

006 “Defending virtue is hungry work.”

006 “Defending virtue is hungry work.”

Covering Episode 6 of Season 1, “Mr. Willis of Ohio”

Episode 6, your hosts seem to be really hitting their stride, dontcha think?

In this episode we talk acting school stories, cryin’ over P’zones™, punctuation competitions (thrilling), fjords, ‘90s attractiveness, & Uber stories. Denise gives some great advice for drinkers and EA talks only to the long time listeners.

Question of the episode: Ya ever been inna fight?

Another episode from our cavernous Brooklyn Studios! The mic situation has been a real roller coaster, hasn’t it? Grey clouds are gonna clear up, we promise, just stay-tuned!

007 “You’re a rabble rouser, you know that? You rouse rabbles!”

007 “You’re a rabble rouser, you know that? You rouse rabbles!”

005 "Yeah right!"

005 "Yeah right!"